Who is the night king? And other unanswered questions from Game of Thrones
The Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3 — The battle of Winterfell was aired last week and it is getting a lot of praise from viewers and from the media.
I watched the episode and I too liked the episode, but at the end of the episode, I did not feel right. I had more questions than answers. Here are some of the questions I would like to get answers. Warning spoilers ahead.
Now that the night king is dead along with the fellow white walkers, not it is time to see who will finally sit on the iron throne.
Arya killed the night king with the valyrian steel dagger that is making rounds since the first season with a sleight of hand.
Who is the night king?
The identity of the night king was long debated, although the season slowly built the night king character until the last episode in any of the episodes the creators never revealed who is the night king.
According to people who have read the book the night king is the 13th lord commander of the night watch, but that was never confirmed nor denied in the series. However, according to some viewers and readers, the night king in the TV series is not the same night king we find in the books.
Another theory that came up recently suggested that the night king is Rhaegar Targaryen, one reason for this is only a Targaryen can ride a dragon and night king is one of three people who is riding a dragon.
Anyway, now that the night king is dead, we might not get to know the true identity of the night king.
What is the night king’s purpose?
Another question that I ended up having is the ultimate purpose of the night king. Yes, he is spreading death and destruction, but he should have some purpose that is driving him to go this far.
That is also not answered in the last episode. Are they just like winter spreading destruction?
Killing the three-eyed raven or erasing humanity with
What is meaning of the spirals?
The white walkers and the night king has this way of leaving spirals made from dead bodies along their path of destruction. We time and time again saw that in the TV series.
But what happened to that? What is the meaning of these spirals? The spirals were there at the place where the night king was created, so there is a connection that connects the night king to them.
In one of the episodes from the previous season, we saw a cave with drawings of the spiral and the white walkers. Which also shows there is a connection between the spirals and the white walkers.
But are we ever going to see the answer to this question? Even though fans have made various theories there is nothing in the TV series that explains this.
The final cut
So if I sum things up, although the episode 3 of GOT season 8 is good, with lots of action and twists, I left with no answers to the most awaited questions for the past 2 years.
With the dead of the night king, I felt like I lost my drive to watch the series. Because for me the night king and the white walters excited me more than who finally gets to sit on the iron throne.
I’m sure I’m not the only one who felt let down by the last episode. I hope the GOT creators will finally answer the questions to their fans during the final three episodes.
What are your unanswered questions from GOT?
Fun fact — Did you know that in the books the night king is known as the night’s king.