What’s Your Morning Routine?

Joining the 5 o’clock club feels so good.

3 min readOct 27, 2016

I have always been a night owl throughout my life, however recently I thought of changing all this and try to join the 5 o’clock club. And up until now it has been somewhat difficult.

The main reason for change was the busy life I’m having, when I was at home as a child being a night owl was easy, I’m still a night owl when I’m at home. But when you have a job and when you have to work all day, the stress just keeps building up. And if you want to be a night owl you have to be proactive at night, if you have burnt out all the energy throughout the day then it’s very difficult to work during night.

Also I feel that walking up in the morning give some time for you to be with yourself, which I guess is lacking in our lives. I guess it’s important to give sometime to listen to yourself and think what you’re going to do the during the rest of the day. Also as most others are asleep during that time it’s there is no one to distract you and I try not to check my smart phone until 7 in the morning. And I have long given up checking news early in the morning, it’s always good to get something positive into my mind before I start a busy day.

And once waking up and thinking for few minutes the thing I like to do is to focus on the most difficult problem that have to solve (this was from an article I read about the 5 o’clock club) when you’re up early there is no better time to focus with all the energy you have in solving a difficult problem. Trust me you will find the problems that were difficult for you the night before would look like nothing when you try to focus them in the morning.

However the difficult part is waking up at 5, for me it’s the snooze button. Even though I wake up my I get the urge to stay few more minutes at the bed and eventually I get up by 6 not 5. But still it’s win for me as I was someone who used to get up at 8 in the morning after being a night owl the night before. But I’m sure I will improve and eventually be waking up at 5 o’clock.

But I don’t think everyone has to join the 5 o’clock club, at the end of the day it boils down into personal preference. If you like to wake up late it’s fine. But I guess I like my new routine and enjoying it

So my early routine is

  • Wake up at 5 am
  • Spend some time with myself
  • Write something, I’m writing a blog post when I wake up early
  • Work on the hardest problem I have to solve
  • Have a nice cup of coffee

So what’s your morning routine. I’d love to hear, please leave a comment .

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Written by Rukshan

I'm a blogger and I'm interested in technology, startups and making new things. ✌

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