We wanted a president. Instead we got a meme character ⚡️
Back in 2015 times were tough, the country was about to have a presidential election at the beginning of the year. President Rajapaksa was hoping for a mandate for the third time but people were in hope of a change. So they thought the new candidate would be better.
And so they elected a new president, thought that it would change the system put the corrupt behind bars, develop the country, well that’s what people expected from the new president but instead we got a meme character.
Everything the president says and does is now a subject of a meme.
Why there is no real development happening in the country? why food prices are so high? Why the us dollar is so high? Why why why?
The reason for this is that the president dies absolutely nothing. Let alone the big campaign promises he has made but simple matters in the country are left unnoticed by him.
For example why are there no new doctors in the country? Why so many students are boycotting universities, why there is no real development happening in the country? why food prices are so high? Why the us dollar is so high? Why why why? So many questions with no answers.
Instead he is pretending as if has nothing to do in this country, it is ok to have a biography written about you if you have done something valuable to the country. But because you were born in a rural family and has come to the highest office in the country is impressive but that is nothing to brag about, the real deal happens what comes after you became the president.
That’s why you have become a meme character Mr President. That’s why you have become a matter of laughing on social media and nothing more.
You still have four more years in office and you still have time to make a difference and if you show that you have a real character Mr President others will write books about you and what you meant for them.