This simple exercise will make you think like Elon Musk

Try this exercise for one week and you will be amazed with the results

3 min readApr 26, 2018

I remember when I was 10 years old I told my teacher that 99% of things that we need are already invented.

Flash forward 18 years and looking back I could have never been so wrong.

And at the same time today I also feel that everything has been already invented and there is nothing new for me to create.

One of my friend who is a computer science student told me that there is nothing new to create on the internet, as Facebook and Google is creating everything and eating up everything.

Maybe in another 18 years from now we will both look back and think how wrong we were.

How to be creative and have new ideas?

Do you want to have new ideas that will change the way in the next 18 years?

It’s not hard to be creative and have new ideas that will flow seamlessly. It’s not just Elon Musk that has all the new ideas.

To be creative is something that you have to learn.

No one is born to think creatively, it’s something that you have to practice.

The more you practice the more you are going to be good at being creative.

There is a simple exercise that you can do when you are having a spare time.

Write down 10 ideas everyday in a notebook or in a note taking app on your phone.

Write down how you are going to scale your idea, how you are going to make monetize the idea, who are going to be the customers and expand on the ideas you just wrote down.

At first it is going to be difficult.

You won’t be able to think of 10 ideas everyday, but as you go along you will improve and so are the ideas.

Do this everyday for one week and you will be amazed to see how many new ideas you have come up with.

And by the end of the week you will realize that you are going to get ideas flowing through seamlessly through your head.

You are going to see ideas and opportunities in everyday life that you never expected to see.

But not all ideas are going to be big.

Some ideas maybe new and good but stupid at the same time.

That’s how it is going to be.

Show your ideas to your friends and get their feedback.

Maybe every weekend pick up a good idea, make a Facebook page and run an ad to see how people are going to respond, you don’t need to have a product to sell.

See how people are starting to react and get positive remarks then that means you are on to something.

If you don’t get enough enthusiasm then don’t worry.

Move on to the next idea.

And one day you will hit the sweet-spot.

As someone said, most good ideas look stupid and are like toys at the beginning.

Only when they grow everyone sees the potential in them.

Just keep trying.


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Written by Rukshan

I'm a blogger and I'm interested in technology, startups and making new things. ✌

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