The story of GIF
If you remember during the old days of the internet, GIFs used to annoying animations used mostly for online advertisements.
Even though gifs have been there for nearly couple of decades they were left mostly forgotten until now.
During the past couple of years GIFs are experiencing a huge boom, and continues to grow.
GIFs have also become an essential part of communication with messaging apps and social media sites embracing gifs as a way of communication.
Some gifs are viewed more than 300 million times
Thanks to the massive growth GIFs are experiencing at the moment the winner has been Giphy the gif search engine collection of largest gifs online, and according to a new post on FastCompany, Giphy is en route to become a unicorn.
During the recent Emmy awards Giphy was tasked in turning the whole show into gifs during the live streaming, which shows how popular gifs have become in recent times.
Not only that TV shows and marketers are uploading more and more gifs on Giphy and other gif websites as a new way of advertising their shows and content.
With some gifs on Giphy reaching more than 300 million views means a reach only few companies and media platforms can dream of having. Which makes why Giphy so valuable.
Facebook, Twitter, Messenger and other popular social networks and messaging apps all support gifs, making it even more easy for people to communicate with each other. I too can’t imagine of not having gifs on my messaging apps anymore.
A thing to learn about the rise of Giphy and gifs means just because some tech is old and not popular doesn’t mean they will become popular and useful in the future.
With the rapidly changing tech landscape means more opportunities will arise in the future for the old and once forgotten tech, so it’s always good to have a closer look and observe what’s changing and to grab the opportunity when it arise.