TagTag a create a simple bio link page within minutes
Today most of you have multiple social media accounts. Instagram, Twitter, and especially TikTok have boomed in popularity in recent times.
However, when displaying their bios, most of these platforms only allow you to show just one link as your website. This causes a problem,
If you are a social media influencer and someone who doesn’t have a website, how can you show all your links and profiles to your followers?
The answer is TagTag. — https://tagtag.xyz
How to set up a bio link profile?
Simply create a free account on TagTag using your email address, log in to your dashboard.
After that by using TagTag, you can build a simple about-me website for free. First, give a nice introduction about yourself, add the links to all your social media profiles, websites, portfolios.
It’s just that simple, and won’t take more than couple of minutes to create your profile.
After creating your TagTag profile, all you need to do is share the link on your social media bios, and that’s it. Your followers will be able to easily find your other social media profiles, portfolios, and more.
TagTag has a user-friendly dashboard that allows you to easily add and remove links to your profile, allowing you to create your profile within minutes.
I know there are a lot of bio link services out there, so what makes Tag so special?
One reason is Tag is completely free and you can build a stunning bio link page by using it.
Another reason is simplicity, there is no drag and dropping, you don’t have to be an expert developer, anyone can build their TagTag page within minutes.
Not only that the website is completely responsive, which means you can even set up your bio link page simply by using your smartphone.
See some awesome TagTag bio link pages
TagTag is still a work in progress and has only bare minimum features. If you like to request a feature or report a bug, you can easily do it from here — https://forms.gle/W5GXJPcMqnKnKJ5s7
Update — Building TagTag was fun. But I decided to pull the plug on January 2021. Due to lack of adoptaion. But I learnt a lot, and I will be using the things I used to build TagTag on my future projects.