How To Love Your Work

2 min readJan 5, 2017


Happy new year 2017. I hope everyone is having a good time this season, it’s the best time of the year. I have been cut off from the internet for the past few months. And the reason is I have started my internship as a doctor.

It’s a tough period of one year. These days my time is spent at a surgical ward, cut off from the internet and tech and code. Spending my time with patients trying to help them as much as I can.

However time goes pretty fast and I don’t know what is happening outside of the hospital. It’s stressful, it’s burning me down, and I have been threatened of being fired couple of times. However I am determined to complete the internship as a good doctor.

I have learnt many lessons in this couple of months. One lesson I have learnt during this appointment is how to love your work no matter how much you hate it or no matter how much you feel like quitting.

Find one reason you love about what you do.

Yes that’s all you need, just one reason that you will enjoy in the work you do. It doesn’t necessarily have to be something related to work, it can be a nice girl at the office, maybe seeing the happy faces of people who seek your service, the challenge of doing something new.

Just find one good reason, you don’t need to look for hundreds of reasons, one good reason can do wonders and will help you to get up and go to work no matter how boring or how frustrating the job can be.

And that’s what driving me to work these days and that one reason will drive me for a one year at doing my internship. You will find hundreds of articles on the web on how to love your work, however I guess the best lesson for me in this internship is learning that one good reason can do wonders and I am sure it will help many more who are struggling with their work and finding themselves wanting to quit.

Just find one good reason, that’s my advice, and make sure that reason is big enough to make you come to your work, it doesn’t have to be anything related to work. Just find it.

I work 24 hours a day as an intern doctor, seven days a week. I get a weekend off every six weeks and don’t even talk about the low salary.

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Written by Rukshan

I'm a blogger and I'm interested in technology, startups and making new things. ✌

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