How to create online presentations that holds a kid’s attention
Kids have a very short attention span. If you are a teacher, you must be having firsthand experiences on how difficult it is to teach kids, especially over the internet.
Since my wife is a teacher, I get to experience this every day. One reason for this is the fact that kids have a very limited attention span. They tend to wonder instead of focusing on the lesson which is in-front of them.
For this reason if you are teaching online, you need to make sure you make lessons that holds a kids attention. This is specially important in times like these, because most of the teaching is done through the internet.
Powerpoint presentations tend to be boring, and there is no way to make them more interesting. In this post I’m going to talk about how you can use Tuti to create beautiful presentations that hold your kid’s attention.
If you don’t know Tuti provides varieties of tools for teachers, educators or students. One tool which Tuti provides is an online presentation builder. Where you can create interactive online presentations.
On Tuti presentations don’t consists of slides, the slides are called annotations. All of your annotations are displayed on one page. You can simply view an annotation by clicking on it.
Some important features on Tuti presentations include,
- You can create beautiful online presentation and include images, videos and links
- You can save your presentation online
- Easily share your presentation with others by sharing a link, email or by sharing a presentation code like you do on Zoom
How to create a beautiful online presentation on Tuti
Step 1
Create your free account on Tuti, you can do that by visiting
You can create a free account on Tuti and does not require a credit card to signup.
Step 2
Goto the presentation tab on your dashboard. From there click the “Create new presentation” button.
Step 3
You will then land on the presentation creator on Tuti. From there you can upload a new background image which suites your presentation topic.
I’m going to create a presentation about the structure of the Animal cell.
Step 4
Now that you have added the background image, you can now click on the place on your presentation canvas, and the annotation creator will popup.
From there you can enter a title, text you want to display, a link to an image that will be shown on your annotation (annotations are equivalent to a slide).
You can also include an external link for further references, and at the same time you can also add a YouTube video as well.
Since the annotations are short, precise, and interactive with videos and images they will hold a kinds attention longer than a regular powerpoint presentation.
You can also preview your presentation to see how it will look like for your students by clicking the preview button.
Step 5
Once I’m happy with the presentation I can give it a name, which I given as the “Basic animal cell”.
After that I can save the presentation to the cloud by clicking the Publish Presentation button. This will save your presentation on the cloud.
You can now share the presentation with your students by sharing the link to the presentation, via email or sharing the presentation code like you share a Zoom meeting.
Tuti provides a great online presentation builder where you can create and share interactive presentation which kids will love to watch. You can keep their attention longer enough so that they will be doing a productive learning session though the internet.
You can check the presentaion I created on ‘Basic Animal Cell” here —
Read more — How to include a video to your Tuti presentation