Growing Up
I guess growing up and getting mature is a boring thing, as children we wanted to grow up, and become adults only to find out that being an adult sucks.
I guess the early twenties is the best part of someone’s life, you’re full of enthusiasm, you feel invincible and you can do just about anything you want. No responsibilities, no consequences, no job no money, you got nothing to lose, no one to answer to. Life is just awesome.
I guess most people don’t realize this until they get old, I guess after seeing so many of my friends getting married and settling down to their normal family lives of being a husband, a father makes me very scared about myself.
These friends whom I knew back then who were like me before settling down to their routine lives, and now seeing them losing their enthusiasm in life, and accepting their current situation in life and deciding to live with it makes me very scared about myself and my life.
Because I don’t like to be like that
Yes I too want have a good family life, but I don’t want to kill my enthusiasm, I guess as we get old t happens is that we get more responsibilities in our lives, we have people to answer to and all of these makes life difficult and it’s more easy to accept the life as it is and settle down.
Let’s think you want to start your own business, or make a drastic decision in life, if you are in your twenties living with your parents without a job or going to college it’s easy to do that, but if you’re married and having children having a well paid job, then it becomes more complicated, because your decisions not only will affect you but will also affect your partner’s and children’s lives alike. So lots depend on your decisions and it’s easy to stick to your job and pay the bills.
I see this happening to most of my friends, back then before they got married we had ideas to start something new, do things that excites us, some wanted to find new jobs and start new carriers, but that has changed. They are happy the way their lives are at the moment.
Things don’t have to be like that
I don’t think things have to be like that, I think people can reach their childhood dreams and goals even having a family life, and being a father. The trick is to sever settle and never accept your current position in life, and keep going until you reach your targets.
But having said that I am afraid, because who knows what will happen to me, will I become a typical doctor having a 9–5 work hour and living a typical family man character. I’m starting to fell the weight of the responsibilities that are put on me by my job and I don’t feel the freedom I once had at medical school.
At the same time I feel sad, because I have had lot of free time to experiment with life and do something different back at medical school, but back then life was all about exams and I never felt I had a single second to lose, only now to realize that I have been wrong all along.
I also feel sorry for all the students who are like me out there, some are too busy being the typical students, others are spending their times at home because of the SAITM issue and not using that time to do something important. All of them must also feeling the same way like I did, or thinking that they have all the time in the world. But if I can turn back time five years I would be lot more different than I am today, I am sure most will feel the same way in another 5 years from now.
Time is a non renewable asset, everyone gets the same 24 hours a day and what counts is the way they use it.
I guess approaching late twenties I think growing up sucks, but guess we don’t have a choice and the only thing we can do is to never settle in what we have in life and just and keep going.
This post originally appeared on my blog